
- Using Full English Language.

- When hit by a dog or trap, the player will return to the starting point of the level.

Cat and Dog merupakan game puzzle sederhana yang dibuat menggunakan RPG Maker MV. Game ini bercerita tentang kucing bernama Lucy yang sedang berada di tempat penuh dengan anjing. Dapat langsung dimainkan di Web Browser melalui PC.

Mekanika permainan cukup sederhana, dimana Player akan mengendalikan Lucy dan pergi menuju ke level selanjutnya. Player harus menghindari para anjing penjaga dan jebakan di lantai agar Lucy tidak tertangkap.

Sebagai game developer pemula, saya tidak cukup mampu membuat game skala besar dan untuk itu sebagai langkah awal, saya akan mulai membuat game-game puzzle sederhana seperti itu untuk melatih dan mengembangkan kemampuan saya.

Bagi yang telah memainkan game ini saya ucapkan terima kasih dan mohon kritik serta sarannya!


Cat and Dog is a simple puzzle game made using RPG Maker MV. This game tells the story of a cat named Lucy who is in a place full of dogs. Can be played directly in a Web Browser via PC.

The game mechanics are quite simple, where the player will control Lucy and go to the next level. Players must avoid the guard dogs and traps on the floor so that Lucy doesn't get caught.

As a beginner game developer, I am not capable enough to make large-scale games and so as a first step, I will start making simple puzzle games like that to train and develop my skills.

For those who have played this game, I thank you and ask for criticism and suggestions!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withRPG Maker
TagsCats, RPG Maker MV, Simple


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The fastest time I could beat the game is 2:25 (second playthrough) :)

That great and thank you for playing. This game still incomplete. I hope you can play again this game on next update.


Nice little game :)

Only a question. What language is it in, besides English?  I suggest you make an setting to either fully support that language, or fully support English.

Otherwise, Keep it up!

hi, thank for your comment. I am from Indonesia and this game made with using indonesian language. My goal is to make this game so that it can be played by everyone in Indonesia and show people in the world about Indonesian Language.

and thank you also for your suggestions.